Visio Template for SharePoint Wireframing

As always I love finding new Visio templates for anything related to SharePoint. While recently I have begun using Mind Manager Pro (from Mindjet and as a direct result of Ruven Gotz’s presentations) instead of Visio in certain situations; I still use Visio for a lot of the workflow modeling I do, as well as documenting architecture diagrams.

If you have stencils for Visio and are used to the tool you can use this template from Erica Toelle to give you a head start on whipping up some wireframes. Even if you are a developer, or analyst and not a designer it might help you sort out ideas with a client on the fly. I know I have done this on many occasions an in some cases just used it to illustrate some ideas to the design team.

Hope this helps you,
Richard Harbridge

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